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One of the primary ideas behind philosophical Taoism is that human suffering is caused by the layers of meaning, thinking, emotions, wants and desire that we add to the lived experience. What we should be doing instead is align ourselves with the true nature of the universe, which is the Tao; ever-changing, generous and non-judgemental, it is beyond words and can only be LIVED, not understood.


Well guess what, the last year was a kick in the pants, and the new coming year will be equally as rough. How do I know? Because every year is rough, it’s just that we don’t usually pay attention to the evidence accumulating around us, usually because someone else is paying the price of our mistakes.

I would like to challenge you to do two things. You can do just one of them, your choice. Just spend a few minutes just thinking about it at least.


First, and hardest, drop your allegiances. All of them. Re-examine the reasons why you do certain things, why do you have certain habits, why do you have certain beliefs. Some habits can be picked back up because they actually serve you, or simply because they are fun and bring joy to your life.

Others should be questioned. Are they helping or masking another problem? Do you believe something simply because it is convenient, or someone told you to? Is it actually true? These days, the political climate is toxic and our politicians unhelpful. To mis-quote Mark Twain, “it’s hard to tell if they are smart and taking us for a ride, or imbeciles full of convictions.” Don’ t let them take you for a ride.

Secondly, regain your footing on firmer ground. We’re getting knocked about by events and politics, so it is crucial that you create for yourself a firm emotional and physical base. To do this, you will need to rediscover your “ground of being”, that which makes you you. Taoist have a quick answer: the Tao, the weave and weft of the enlivening force of life itself. Not the easiest of answers.

Here’s a few hints: you are a social ape, which means that in order to be healthy, you require nutritious food, clean water, a body that moves, sex, and a group of people that you can call family, whether related by blood or not. If you have all of that, you are living in accordance with the inherent essence of your species.

You are also a spiritual animal, in need of spiritual nourishment. There are no sacred texts in Taoism. Important texts, yes, but no divine revelations. Partly this is because Nature itself is the sacred text. All you need to know is written in the clouds and told by the trees.

I once climbed a tree and stared at clouds for an hour or so. It was in a residential neighborhood somewhere in Los Angeles. The tree had been planted for shade, and mostly used as a urinal for passing dogs. But it was a tree, and the branches were low and thick, an easy climb and a comfortable resting place. The clouds were moving lazily above the tree top. The tree WAS, it had no urgent purpose to accomplish, except for being alive. The clouds moved in a fantastically enormous sky, as large as a planet, as deep as the Universe itself. And I was part of it.

So find yourself a tree. You can climb it, or just sit under it. Commune with it, say hello, and spend some time looking up at the clouds. That is the ground of being. Start from there, and add what you need; a nice cup of tea, chatting with a friend. Resist the call of the idiot box and the more toxic corners of social media. Add only what serves and nourishes you.